Server update June 23rd, 2019 09:00 AM

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  • Following changes have been made:
    • Quests
      • Fixed an issue, where the Nochsana Commander did not count for quests
      • Fixed some Draupnir Cave related quests
    • Drops
    • Skills
      • Fixed an issue, where the silence of Signet Silence(Assassin) could be resisted
      • Fixed an issue, where procc effects (like Blessing of Wind(Chanter) or Apply Lethal Venom(Assassin) were not effected by pvp damage scaling
      • Fixed an issue, where players which died through Chain of Suffering did not reward abyss points
      • Fixed an issue, where Stubborn Spirit(Templar) did not give slow resistance
      • Fixed an issue, where summons caused incorrect system messages under certain circumstances
      • Fixed an issue, where Reroute Power(Templar) was effected by movement modifiers
      • Fixed an issue, where stances like Stubborn Spirit(Templar) could not be deactivated under certain circumstances
      • Fixed some incorrect skill damage calculations
    • Spawns
    • AI
      • Fixed an issue, where Anuhart(Tiamat's Fortress) moved while using his Blade Storm
      • Fixed an issue, where the flame pots near Vasharti(Rentus) did not react to players
      • FIxed an issue, where Vasharti's phantoms were not immune to physical or magical damage
      • Fixed an issue, where the debuff during Vasharti's flame shower phase was dispellable
      • Fixed an issue, where Vasharti's flame attacks could be easily predicted
      • Fixed an issue, where Vasharti did not enrage after 10 minutes
      • Additional smaller optimizations for Vasharti's AI
      • Fixed an issue, where servants continued to attack after a duel ended
    • Core
      • Katzenkönigin-Miol fixed
      • Buff-Miol auf der PvP-Map fixed
      • Fixed an issue, where buff miols did not stop to buff the player if he died
      • Fixed an issue, where brands in groups/alliances disappeared sometimes
      • Fixed an issue, where some fly rings in the abyss did not spend flight time
      • Fixed an issue, where fly rings related to the abyss entrance quest counted if one flew past them on the outside
      • Adjusted the level based magic resist rate (pvp)
      • Added missing system messages for village leveling
      • Added .preview <color|hexcode> to preview a color for the equipped armor
      • Fixed an issue, where village level quests could reward the wrong village
      • Fixed an issue, where NPCs could spawn twice
      • Fixed an issue, where NPCs or players could not die through negative heals
      • Fixed an issue, where the alarm function of miols was not shared with other players
      • Fixed an issue, where loot miols gave messages if no loot was available
      • Fixed an issue, where loot miols only looted kinah in groups
      • Fixed an issue, where loot miols could not loot in groups if the owner not dealt the most damage
      • Fixed an issue, where loot miols had infinite range instead of 28m
      • Fixed an issue, where buff miols stopped to buff their owner if they went through an item restricted area
      • Fixed an issue, where magical damage of NPCs was disproportionate with their auto-attack damage
      • Fixed an issue, where a no-animation-like state could be caused
      • Fixed an issue, where resurrecting on the pvp map had no animation
      • FIxed an issue, where players got soul sickness if teleported off the pvp map while being dead
      • Fixed an issue, where magical skills were not effected by movement modifiers
      • Fixed an issue, where abnormal state resistances of NPCs were incorrect calculated
      • Fixed an issue, where mapkicks were caused by sendlogs and players could bug themselves through walls
      • Added a system message for crafting heliotrop crystals to display a still active cooldown (since the precise number disappears after relogging)
      • System optimizations and fixes for memory management
    • Housing
      • Fixed an issue, where houses were incorrect impounded
      • Fixed an issue, where butlers of newly acquired houses could have the name of their previous owner
      • Fixed an issue, where facade tickets completely bugged the house
      • Fixed an issue, where furniture got no usage animation
      • Fixed an issue, where houses were not re-auctioned
      • Fixed an issue, where auction mails displayed the incorrect date
      • Fixed an issue, where impounded houses were not reset
      • Fixed an issue, where houses of deleted players were not reset
      • Fixed an issue, where players could fall through the floor of their studio after login
      • Fixed an issue, where players could be teleported to their own house while using the random function of the friendship crystal
      • Fixed an issue, where players were teleport to the house sign instead to the door if kicked
      • Fixed an issue, where the friendlist of the friendship crystal was empty until the actual friendlist was opened manually
      • Fixed an issue, where no compensation was send if a house was impounded
      • Fixed an issue, where the count of overdue weeks was incorrectly displayed
      • Fixed an issue, where the butler did not claim all overdue weeks
      • Fixed an issue, where the rent payment with date was incorrectly displayed if logged in on Sundays
      • Fixed an issue, where the wrong house sign was spawned if house was auctioned
      • Fixed an issue, where the reward for a successful auction was not correctly calculated
      • Fixed an issue, where house sign lost their tool tip after house auction
      • Fixed an issue, where houses were not randomly auctioned
      • Fixed multiple issues, where houses were not impounded/reset if the auction was not successful
      • Fixed multiple issues, where houses were not correctly actualized
      • Auctions are now prolonged individual
      • Rent overdue is now displayed at every login
      • Removed the quest restriction to open the auction window
      • Fixed checks to enter houses and usage of housing portals
    • Geodata
      • Fixed an issue, where players were not attackable near fortress gates
      • Fixed an issue, where fortress gates lost their collisions if another one was destroyed
      • Fixed an issue, where fortress gates could be attacked if a collision was in the way
      • Added missing barricades in Kaldor for Anoha. A few of them got collisions
      • Added a way to compensate for missing geo datas. Objects without geo datas could act like obstacles in some situations
    • Custom Features
      • Custom Instance - Eternal Challenge
        • New adaptive solo instance (1x daily)
        • You can find the entry near the teleporter in Sanctum / Pandaemonium
        • You may consider different strategies depending on your class to master this instance (i.e. equipment, manastones, stigma build)
        • You will be confronted with a variable difficulty, which adjusts after each run, independently if you win or lose
        • Rewarded Item Icon186000409 are based on your rank
        • These and further information are available here [Feature] Custom Instance - Eternal Challenge
      • Loyalty System
        • A new reward system for activity
        • You can get Item Icon186000409 from endbosses of all level 65+ party instances
        • The count of coins varies according to the instance
        • You can exchange your earned coins via .buy and view the full list of purchasable items

    Best Regards

    Beyond Aion Development

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