Coming soon...

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  • We have been preparing for a long time, but there is an end (or a beginning?!) in sight now. Beyond Aion opens its gates in a short while!

    Today we want to present you our website for the first time. Please forgive us the one or other design flaw or error message. We are still in the stage of construction and change for the better steadily.
    Nevertheless, you can already find the most important information here.

    So how do we proceed?
    It is planned that we open the registration on 12th November. From this point of time onwards, you can create your character and use our forums. You also reserve your exclusive starter package automatically within this timespan! If everything goes smoothly, we will open the server on 15th November, so that you can start playing.
    As soon as we have more detailed information, we will let you know.

    Do you already have questions in your mind, which you want us to answer?
    Ask your questions in the comment section below, so that we can answer them as well as possible.

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