Aion's Report #5

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  • Dear community,

    it's been quiet around us, which sparked some rumors. Time to clear up some things. First and foremost: We're not shutting down! Sorry if we gave the impression.
    Unfortunately we as a team cannot continue where we left off last year. Personal circumstances change and we don't have as much time as we used to. Currently we don't have any support staff, no active event masters and no active developers. The little support, events or updates you've experienced and seen were just what we admins had time for.
    So what's the plan?
    For one we're of course searching for new team members and try to help our existing ones to find more time and motivation for the server work.
    And we're investing our time for this hobby project of ours more efficiently. For example we cut down our forums in multiple areas, to reduce the moderation effort: The shoutbox is gone and we archived the dedicated suggestions forum. But this doesn't mean we won't listen to you anymore. If there's something important we should change, you can still suggest it in other parts of the forum or via a private message. We just can't discuss every feature request people can think of anymore.
    With these and other steps, we aim to free up more time for server development/updates, support and events again.

    We know this doesn't sound bright and exciting but that's all we can do right now. If you want to repopulate the server fast, ask your friends to play again. We'll continue to provide our server to you, no matter how many players are active, just like we've been doing it all these years.
    Our oldest veterans may recall that this is not the first (or even second) time in which we have found ourselves in this situation. And just like the previous times we'll get through this one too.

    Best regards,
    your Beyond Aion server management

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