Beyond Aion Item Mall

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  • Dear Community!

    Many of you have asked for it and could not wait. Now the time has come... our Item Mall is here. Numerous items are waiting to be exchanged for our currency Nex. For now, you can only get Nex for a donation.
    Of course, we are already working on a voting system with which you will be able to get Nex, too.

    You can find our Item Mall as own menu in the navigation. In your user profile you will be shown your current Nex. Only you and the administration can see this line!

    We wish you much fun with the items and and lots of fun with us.

    Best regards
    your Beyond Aion Team

    (Attention: Please understand that it may take up to 24 hours until obtaining your present item. The purchased items will be manually issued by the team.)

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