Recent Activities

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  • Neon -

    added the news “Server update May 20th, 2024”.

    The following changes have been made: - Quests - Fixed quest Frozen Ghosts could not be obtained - Skills - Fixed skills with delayed effects ignored target limits like target max count - Instances & NPCs - Added missing Radiant Token trader in Teminon Landing - Fixed…
  • Neon -

    added the news “Increased drop rates with medical reinforcement”.

    Between May 20th and May 26th, the Daeva masters of healing will be back in town to prepare you for your next raid. Not only that, also all the monsters are more willing to share their loot with you during this time. So take the opportunity to visit the medical camps in…
  • Shiiivam -

    Posted the thread can't logg in it says that i'm allready logged in.

    hey everyone i enter my username / password can't logg in it says that i'm allready logged in
  • Farlon -

    added the news “Blessing of the magic fountain”.

    :!: Collect Magic Blooms and win great rewards :!:
    Some of you missed this event last years and that's why we have planned it again this year. At this event you can get the event item in different ways. This can be exchanged to get either one of two different bundles with…