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Rank: 0
Level: 5
Members: 35
Points: 1,400,388
Member information
Name Level Class Rank
Chelsea 65 Songweaver Brigadegeneral
Vidia 10 Chanter Centurion
Anisu 1 Priest Centurion
Harmonie 1 Artist Centurion
Tasin 2 Priest Centurion
Lesharo 1 Engineer Centurion
Melina 7 Artist Centurion
Rania 27 Aethertech Centurion
Kyana 10 Assassin Centurion
Aelia 31 Cleric Centurion
Zarina 41 Assassin Centurion
Akenia 33 Assassin Centurion
Akura 65 Ranger Centurion
Aluna 33 Sorcerer Centurion
Raya 39 Sorcerer Centurion
Shuna 31 Spiritmaster Centurion
Aneli 31 Songweaver Centurion
Roadblock 65 Gladiator Centurion
Bambam 38 Sorcerer Centurion
Sukani 32 Templar Centurion
Pebbles 38 Sorcerer Centurion
Milani 65 Songweaver Centurion
Lania 65 Aethertech Centurion
Luana 37 Gladiator Centurion
Nori 65 Cleric Centurion
Periwinkle 10 Cleric Centurion
Spike 33 Templar Centurion
Gliss 10 Songweaver Centurion
Silberhauch 10 Sorcerer Centurion
Emily 10 Ranger Centurion
Merliah 65 Chanter Centurion
Tzuka 65 Gunslinger Centurion
Elaina 65 Cleric Deputy
Akara 65 Spiritmaster Deputy
Sinea 30 Gladiator Volunteer