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Since 2015 we offer a strong server with an active team and community.
We are not running a fun-server, but we want to provide long-term fun and bring back the feeling of the "good old days". For example, with balanced rates, some challenging instances, as well as improvements that were previously missing on official servers.
Developing the server has always been a central part of our concept, and player suggestions are regularly incorporated. No server is 100% bug-free, but over the years we have fixed thousands of bugs and can proudly say that we have developed the objectively best functioning server emulator.
We also organize big and small events all the time, and we offer all this for free and without any Pay2Win factor.
For these reasons, we consider ourselves the best Aion private server and are always happy to welcome new players.

Version: 4.8 (EU-Client)
  • 24/7 online since 2015
  • daily backups
  • active development and bug fixes
  • regular events and updates
  • qualified support
  • AP: x4
  • XP: x3
  • Collecting-/Crafting-XP: x5
  • Gathering count: x2
  • Well-adjusted GP-Gain/-Loss
Aion-Emu, Aion-Unique & Aion Lightning
  • PvPvE-Map with increased AP rates and boss spawns
  • Bounty Hunting - PvP kill rewards
  • Server buffs: 100% rate buffs on random days, random buffs during grinding and PvP, as well as supportive instance buffs on insufficient participants
  • Eternal Challenge (custom instance)
  • Vote 4 Nex
  • Farmable Item Icon186000409 to exchange them for special items
  • Automatic Veteran Rewards
  • Bonus start items and Starter Kit to support the leveling process
  • Bonus package for newcomers
  • Max-Level Pack - for all of those, who don't want to level up themselves
  • player commands, like .preview for an item-preview, .buy to exchange Item Icon186000409, .noexp to disable experience gain or .nomorph to disable candy transformations
  • increased drops of Item Icon186000238
  • Construction fluxes in world drop
  • Courier passes and housing souvenir drops from instance bosses
  • Item Icon162001057 upon completion of campaign quest series
  • QoL improvements, like gathering on mounts, mounts allowed in Silentera Canyon, fast despawn of mobs without loot, non-droppable MP manastones, etc.
  • regular events
  • no VIP
  • no Gold pack (8 characters per account, no limits on trading, chat, housing, etc.)
  • 3 Accounts per player
  • 3 crafting masterlevel per character
  • no 499 point limit for essence gathering and aether tapping