Merry Christmas

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  • Dear community!
    In a few days it will be Christmas and shortly after that we will be starting a new year. Traditionally we would like to leave you a few lines of text at this time and thank you. The project has been around for many years now and there are still many areas where further development is taking place. Nobody can know what the next year will bring, but it will definitely be exciting and we are looking forward to it.

    Of course, a lot has happened in the world and opinions are formed and changed depending on personal involvement or general interest. It is often not so easy to separate important from unimportant and fact from fake. It is all the more important to conduct discussions objectively and to accept that everyone has their own view of topics. Treat each other with respect and be considerate of others, then we will be able to make better progress together.

    Now comes the time when many of us have a few days off. Some visit family and friends and others go on holiday to take a break and gather new energy. But there are also quite a few who even have to work on these days. In any case, we wish you and your loved ones a relaxed and restful Christmas. Start the new year healthy!

    Best regards
    your Beyond Aion Team (xmas)

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