Gift of the Alchemist

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  • Find the suspicious alchemist
    from 08.06. to 24.06.2018

    In Sanctum and Pandaemonium the suspicious alchemist is to reappear. According to rumors he is able to transform lead into treasures, so it's time to save with small effort useful Items for crafting. Try your luck!

    All Bosses in Solo-Instances from Signia and Vengar are able to drop Item Icon188052642 for you which can either Item Icon188100126 or Item Icon188100127 include. If you combine these two you will get Item Icon188052640 and obtain Item Icon185000185 or Item Icon185000186.

    Possible rewards:

    Item Icon125040244
    Item Icon110900374
    Item Icon169405254
    Item Icon169405252
    Item Icon152012588
    Item Icon152012586
    Item Icon152012585
    Item Icon152012591
    Item Icon152012589
    Item Icon152012584
    Item Icon152012583
    Item Icon152012582
    Item Icon152012581
    Item Icon152012580
    Item Icon152012590
    Item Icon152012587
    Item Icon152012593

    Item Icon152000326
    Item Icon152000327
    Item Icon152000328
    Item Icon152000914

    Item Icon186000130
    Item Icon186000237
    Item Icon186000146

    Item Icon166000194
    Item Icon166000195

    Item Icon169650007

    Item Icon152010316
    Item Icon152010319

    Item Icon169231085
    Item Icon169231089
    Item Icon169231088
    Item Icon169231087
    Item Icon169231086

    Only Asmodier:
    Item Icon186000105
    Item Icon186000103

    Only Elyos:
    Item Icon186000102
    Item Icon186000100

    We wish you all the best for this event!

    Beyond Aion Team

    2,177 clicks