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[Guide] Territorial Battle
Yeats - - Information
Postimage-proxy Territorial Battle The Territorial Battle is an instance in which you fight against waves of monsters and take part in the ranking for conquering a territory. You can enter the battle through one of the entrances in the outposts of the territories in Signia, or Vengar. There are three territories per map:……f9cd317727b7c7c0209951672 * Faction * Region * Territories * Asmodians * Vengar * Mura, Satyr,…
Unfortunately it's not a bug. The behavior is the same as on retail. You have to select an ally or yourself. You cannot compare Attack Melody with Raging Encouragement. They have different first target attributes. Attack Melodys first target attribute is "ME" -> you're always applying the effect to yourself first. However, Raging Encouragements first target is "TARGET" -> you're applying the effect to the target first.
Hi Holo, unfortunately this is a client bug we cannot fix. This bug occurs on retail too. Try jumping with both characters without moving in any direction and you‘ll see that the offset almost disappears. Regarding the message that you’re too far away: This has been already reported in the german section. We’re aware of it and are working on it. Greetings Yeats
KnockDown buggy
PostI'm just gonna clarify some things: KB and KD are only applied on critical hit. Dots apply KB/KD if the initial damage was critical. This is of course a bug since dots cannot KB/KD. (Magical-) Accuracy does not increase the chance of a KB/KD.
You're right, the skill does not have a 100% stun anymore. Even on 4.6 it stunned on level 5 and 6 only. I made a mistake by comparing lvl 3 (which does not have a 100% stun) instead of lvl 6 with the current max lvl of the skill.
It's not a bug. The skill always stuns (even on retail).
Chanter pvp skills
PostQuote from Sin: “first para skill from general pants +20 (para resistance from gear makes this complety useless?) ” I assume you're talking about this skill Protection: Paralysis III - Aion Database. Yes the paralyse effect is calculated against your opponents para resistance. This should be correct as the Assassins skill Apply Deadly Poison - Aion Database has the same effect and ignoring the paralyse resistance would not make sense at all. Quote from Sin: “magical accuracy affects the stun rat…
Chanter pvp skills
PostHi Sin, please create a seperate report for each bug. Quote from Sin: “I have this like 3 weeks now and the paralyse skill dont proc at all from what i feel (paralyse of pants ap gear opponents can resistance to that?) ” I don't quite understand what you're talking about. Can you provide a skill-id and describe the bug in detail? Quote from Sin: “I also suggest to look into the stun rates chanter (magical accuracy) vs clothes with (magic boost - magic resist) i feel the stun rates are incorrect …
Magic Implosion
PostA report already exists in the german section: Magische Umkehr + Mana-Explosion / SM Skills
You can equip normal stigmas in greater and powerful stigma slots. Greater stigmas can be placed in greater or powerful stigma slots. As far as I know you will always get the "default" vision stigma even when you equip only normal stigmas. So no bug to fix here
Some clients show the legion emblem correctly while others don't. Not sure why but we have to investigate this further. Are you guys able to save your game settings?
Dye easy in signia
PostAlready reported in the german section:
several disconnects
PostHey watermelon, we are aware of the issue and are already looking into it. As you can see the status changed from pending to confirmed. (we don't always comment on reports) You can help us narrow down the search by telling us what you were doing right before a dc. Beyond that we will switch our host soon.
Broken Sleeps
PostThe timer is set to 60 seconds and restarts with each successful sleep/fear.