Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 87.

  • Autoattacks Bug

    Neon - - Core


    Please reupload the videos and make sure they don't get deleted again. Thanks.

  • Appreciation thread

    Neon - - Beyond Aion


    Thank you for the kind words. We have done a lot to reduce the overhead of running a project like this, so it has become much easier to manage with fewer people without compromising on quality, and we can focus more on the fun parts. Most long-running projects either close down due to declining player numbers or because they lose interest, but we have seen a lot of fluctuation in player numbers every year, so it was never a deciding factor for us. Also, a strong interest in server development is…

  • Where to post your suggestions

    Neon - - Beyond Aion


    Hello community! If you want to suggest new items for our Item Mall, please post them formatted like this [aion]item-ID[/aion] in the following thread: [Sammlung] Vorschläge für neue Item Mall-Items Items with stats and other items, which are not suitable for the Item Mall can instead be suggested as a possible event reward here: [Sammlung] Vorschläge für Eventpreise If you have other simple suggestions or straight forward, thought-out plans, you can post them in the following thread: [Sammlung]…

  • Macros are saved on the server and are not related to registry values or local files. Did you already try to log out right after creating the macro? If the game crashes during relog or logout, they will not be saved.

  • Thanks for the idea. We never really thought about reddit before and somehow you're the first one bringing this up. We'll check and talk about it and let you know the results. Edit: After we talked about it, there's currently no one in our team who has enough free time and perseverance to regularly check Aion subreddits and post advertisements there. If there is someone in the community who is very active on social media and wants to promote us, feel free to contact us and we'll work something o…

  • What happened?

    Neon - - Beyond Aion


    Quote from Onlyred: “Das ist genau der Punkt den ich angeführt habe. Das Team entscheidet, obowohl > spielende Teamler (derzeit 0) ” Das ist aus dem Kontext gerissen. Es spielen derzeit (und zum ersten Mal überhaupt) 0 Teamler aktiv. Bis zur letzten Teambesprechung letztes Jahr, war das nicht der Fall und alle Vorschläge bis dahin wurden wie beschrieben behandelt. Nur jetzt aktuell sieht das anders aus, was ebenfalls einer der Gründe ist warum wir den Vorschlagsbereich archiviert haben. Quote fr…

  • What happened?

    Neon - - Beyond Aion


    Danke für den Input. Da steckt so manche unschöne Wahrheit drin. Es sind aber auch mehrere Unterstellungen enthalten. - Punkt 1 und 3 sind bekannt und seit langem überfällig, keine Frage. Diese Themen sind aber weder in Arbeit, noch ist absehbar, wann daran vielleicht gearbeitet wird. Mehr dazu in Punkt 6. - Punkt 2 und 4 sind leicht gesagt, nur gehen die Meinungen dazu sehr weit auseinander, je nachdem wen man fragt. Ohne Einigkeit und ohne Vergleichsmöglichkeit, wo es besser oder vermeintlich …

  • What happened?

    Neon - - Beyond Aion


    Quote from Naosu: “Aber immer wenn wir Spieler mal gefragt haben, hieß es wir arbeiten dran, alle sind damit beschäftigt ” Wenn das stimmt, können wir uns dafür nur entschuldigen und es zeugt leider für unsere ebenfalls schlechte Informationspolitik innerhalb des Teams. Wir Admins wissen nichts von solchen Aussagen und genauso wenig von den Fragen. Woran wurde angeblich gearbeitet und was muss "passieren"? Das soll jetzt nicht von uns ablenken, sondern ist wichtig zu wissen. Es klingt ja erst ma…

  • What happened?

    Neon - - Beyond Aion


    Thank you for these suggestions. This is where we're standing right now: 1. GMs: The issue is not that we decline inexperienced players who apply for our team. There have been zero applications within the last three months, although we have a banner on our front page. But we'll start to promote our search for new team members more actively again. 2. Discord: The last time we discussed opening an official Discord server was in 2018 when the moderation options and other server settings were not su…

  • What happened?

    Neon - - Beyond Aion


    Hello and thanks for the kind words. It's true that we've all been pretty inactive over the last months. Fortunately that's not the case anymore, but it's also true that our team size shrinked considerably and the remaining team members are still not as active as we were last year (we're working on it). On top of that we currently have no GMs and therefore it's impossible to provide the same support as you're all used to. If we had seen it coming, we would have announced it for sure, but as you …

  • mouse problem

    Neon - - Archived issues


    Java isn't required or used anymore for two years now, so it doesn't matter. If your camera movements don't quite work, the patcher installation most likely didn't succeed. Temporarily deactivate your antivirus, then redownload the patcher and install it again. Maybe you need to whitelist your client folder so nothing gets blocked anymore.

  • How to spot a hacker

    Neon - - Information


    Hello Community, we regularly get complaints about players who use programs to gain an advantage in PvP. However, this only turns out to be true in very few cases and some time ago we received the suggestion to explain to you how you can better recognize hackers. We think this is a good idea and want to dispel a few myths right away. First of all, an overview of what is (regarding PvP) as a matter of principle not possible: - seeing players in hide mode - manipulating proc chances - manipulation…

  • Infernal lags

    Neon - - Archived issues


    I've moved the topic over to our support forum since it's apparently not a server related problem. Individual lags are usually caused by an unstable network connection (especially on WiFi) or temporary issues on your ISP's (internet service provider) side. This may be due to faulty hardware, software/drivers, bad wiring and so on. The server usually is only responsible for it when everybody experiences those lags.

  • Shield Counter - Templar Skill

    Neon - - Skills


    It's not mentioned in the official patch notes (GF / NC). Either the change on the PTS never made it to the release version or the patch notes just fail to mention this change (like the accuracy change from 500 to 1000, which is correct). Do you have any other source of information to confirm the change?

  • Please redownload the Patcher from our download page. It might resolve your graphics settings issue.

  • Screenshots sometimes are saved to a folder called VirtualStore. It's an annoying Windows thing. Open explorer and enter %APPDATA%\..\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Beyond Aion to open it. There should be a screenshot folder. The issue where your graphics settings do not save are a different problem and can be fixed by creating two empty files called system.cfg and SystemOptionGraphics.cfg inside your Aion main directory.

  • Does the chat print an error when you take a screenshot?

  • The client does not (and should not) need access to administrative functions. It reads files from its local folder and does only write to config files within the same folder. If you tell us the exact problem we can find a solution for it. You're not the only one who has played since the open beta and there was never any version of Aion that required to be run with administrative privileges, including our current version which we're on since 2016.

  • Legion emblem doesn't work

    Neon - - Core


    Probiere mal deinen Clientordner zu löschen (<- wichtig) und dann neu zu installieren. Wir wissen noch nicht, wie das Problem entsteht. Aber das Emblem ist oft nicht für jeden kaputt, sondern nur für bestimmte Spieler. Das deutet darauf hin, dass irgendwas im Client nicht passt.

  • Condition + Augment Weapon Fuse

    Neon - - Beyond Aion


    Yeah it's technically not possible and would also raise the question how to handle fusion of two conditionable weapons, or two augmentable weapons. As you may know, other stats like PvP attack % are also lost and it's not the point of armsfusion to result in the same thing like when equipping two one-handed weapons. It should be obvious why the game designers decided against it and introduced armsfusion in the first place.